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5 Ways LaserCap™ Works to Re-Grow Your Hair

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5 Ways LaserCap™ Works to Re-Grow Your Hair

LaserCap®, the original take-home, FDA Cleared Medical Device for hair regrowth, delivers a specific form of light directed from a special sort of laser, to promote new hair growth. 

How does that interaction actually work? Well, without getting too technical, by treating the base of your hair follicles, our proprietary redlight energy is able to stimulate and re-energize the mitochondria of your cells. Since mitochondria are considered to be the “powerhouses” of your cells, reviving them is effectively the same as breathing new life into a retired power plant. Once recovered to the point of healthy function, the mitochondria are able to reproduce of their own accord and repair the scalp just like they were meant to. This results in noticeably thicker, healthier hair and, eventually, even new hair growth from previously-dormant follicles. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Getting The Dosage Just Right

Just like a dose of medicine, low-level laser therapy depends upon regular use and consistent “dosages”. Because of this, any high-quality LLLT device needs to have some means of ensuring proper application, lest any benefit of the treatment become lost due to improper use. Used exactly as prescribed, the LaserCap™ is designed to produce coherent stimulation all across the scalp, resulting in a treatment that is perfectly safe, totally painless, and actually effective. Correct dosage will mean optimal absorption of healing red light, healthier hair, and a happier scalp.

5 Ways LaserCap™ Re-Grows Your HairDoctor demonstrating LaserCap

LaserCap™ delivers cool-temperature Low-Level Laser Therapy directly to the scalp at the follicle to help you re-grow hair. Here are five of the most notable ways in which this gentle therapy can have a massively helpful effect on the quality and health of your hair:
  1. Inhibits 5-alpha Reductase

    5-alpha reductase is the enzyme responsible for converting the common sex hormone testosterone into the hair loss hormone known as DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Researchers have found that the more 5-alpha reductase enzyme a person has, the more likely they are to suffer from hair loss. LaserCap™ inhibits the production of 5-alpha-reductase in the user, thereby halting the conversion of testosterone into DHT. This in turn slows and eventually halts the loss of hair due to DHT.
  2. Activates Shock Proteins

    Heat shock proteins are known to aid in cellular health. In the scalp, the specific shock protein known as HSP27 is utilized. The LLLT technology of LaserCap™ works to activate this specific shock protein and others, allowing them to boost hair follicle stem cell growth. Essentially, this process encourages hair re-growth at the innermost layer of the cell, the outer root of each sheath, and within the top layer of skin (at the epidermis cells where a structural protein called keratin is produced).
  3. Boosts Oxygen Delivery

    LaserCap™ boosts oxygenation to every cell of the scalp. When the low-level infrared lights interact with your scalp, the laser separates two key factors of the hair loss equation: nitric oxide (NO) and an enzyme known as cytochrome c oxidase (CCO). These elements then bind together, moving oxygen on a cellular level and lowering cellular respiration. As a result, more life-giving oxygen is delivered to hair follicles along with essential nutrients for new hair growth.
  4. Increases Blood Flow

    As the cells of your scalp begin to receive more oxygen, the small capillaries of your scalp are finally allowed to “breathe”. Nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator, helping to widen the tiny blood vessels. Old blockages are released and the flow of blood increases even as the delivery of oxygen is improved. This process is often referred to as vasodilation and, as you might imagine, it is vital to the growth of new hair and considered a foundational Young Girl Demonstrating LaserCaprequirement for sustainably healthy hair.
  5. Causes Acute Inflammation

    Inflammation is a natural response of your immune system and can be used to encourage hair regrowth. While too much inflammation can actually contribute to hair loss (remember our discussion regarding fibrosis and calcification, smaller “doses” can be significantly beneficial to the hair growth process. The focused effect of red light on the scalp helps to instigate this helpful form of inflammation, thus aiding in the growth of new hair without becoming uncomfortable or resulting in any negative side effects.
  LaserCap™ is the original take-home medical device preferred by physicians for the treatment of hair loss with proven results in both men and women.

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