In addition, our single hair analysis test uncovers environmental irritants, such as toxins, immune system indicators, electromagnetic frequency impacts, nutritional diet, lifestyle, and underlying food & gut stressors that lead to hair loss.
Get to the root cause of your hair loss. Call 615-662-8722 today!
Welcome to HPIHair Partners, your hair loss educational resource and treatment clinic! We are excited to work alongside Nataliia to help with your hair and scalp treatments. Click the button below and complete the form to get started. You will be contacted by a member of our care team to schedule your complementary 15-minute phone or video appointment. We are looking forward to meeting you! ~Kimberly
Each individual has a variety of reasons that lead to hair loss; the most common causes are related to genetics, health, and environmental factors.
Gain a detailed understanding of your genetic risk factors, predispositions, and gene expressions link to your hair.
Learn how your current eating habits and personal nutritional needs may be affecting your hair growth and thickness.
Protect your hair & reduce hair follicle damage by learning how your environment may impact your hair development.
In addition, our single hair analysis test uncovers environmental irritants, such as toxins, immune system indicators, electromagnetic frequency impacts, nutritional diet, lifestyle, and underlying food & gut stressors that lead to hair loss.
This program includes 30 day and 60 day emotional wellbeing self check monitored by a specialist at HPIHair Partners. At the 90 day mark, a second single hair analysis can be performed to check for additional wellbeing opportunities.
Hair is known to be one of the most effective indicators/biomarkers in nature. Our hair belongs to the functioning system, along with the skin, the eyebrows, the eyelashes, and the teeth. This means our hair is one of our most important sensory organs. This means our hair can pick up signals occurring throughout our entire body and brain.
Epigenetics is the study of how certain behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible & do not change the DNA sequence. However, they can change the way the body reads a DNA sequence.
Your hair tells all – signals from outside sources (stress, pain, sadness, happiness, etc.) cause emotions to manifest feelings of fear, pain, and pleasure. As a result, your hair responds to these feelings. Only four single hair strands contain a range of signals/frequencies that have an abundance of epigenetic information. This information is extremely valuable to health, hair growth, hair loss, condition of the scalp, and overall wellbeing.
We are excited to meet you and will be in touch very soon.
If you are in a rush, Call our office now to schedule +1 615-662-8722