MTHFR = 2 Parents + Defective Genes
MTHFR=2 parents + Defective genes What is MTHFR?MTHFR is a gene in the body responsible for the manufacturing of the MTHFR enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. This enzyme is necessary for methylation (an epigenetic signaling tool that cells use to lock genes in the
Why Do I Lose More Hair in the Fall?
why do i lose more hair in the fall? Why do we see increased loss particular times of the year? Is your skin dryer in cooler months? Is your scalp more sensitive in the fall and itchy in the spring and summer? Seasonal hair
What Type of Hair Loss Do You Have?
What type of Hair loss do you have? Are you one of the 1 in 5 Americans who suffer from hair loss? Hair loss can be caused by a variety of reasons. Though generally speaking there are 7 distinct types of hair loss Androgenic Alopecia Male
Powerful Foods that Prevent Seasonal Hair Loss
Powerful foods that prevent seasonal hair loss Is hair loss normal? Seasonal shedding, like seasonal allergies (or even skin problems), happens when a change in temperature stresses the scalp and follicles, causing strands to come out. Of course, there is more to
What is Alopecia Totalis?
What is alopecia totalis? As we discussed in our prior blog, “What is Alopecia Areata?”, September is Alopecia Awareness Month. Alopecia is a Latin term meaning “hair loss”, however there are four main types of alopecia: Androgenic Alopecia (AGA), Alopecia Areata
The Benefits of Drinking Wine
the benefits of drinking wine As we all know there are health benefits of drinking wine. Immunity support, stress reduction, and digestive health can all be supported by ingredients we consume from the wine we drink. Antioxidant Rich Years of research proves dark grapes
What is Alopecia Areata?
What is alopecia areata? As we discussed in our prior blog, “What is Androgenic Alopecia?”, September is Alopecia Awareness Month. Alopecia is a Latin term meaning “hair loss”, however there are four main types of alopecia: Androgenic Alopecia (AGA), Alopecia Areata
What is Androgenic Alopecia?
what is androgenic alopecia? Alopecia is a Latin term meaning “hair loss”, however there are four main types of alopecia: Androgenic Alopecia (AGA), Alopecia Areata (AA), Alopecia Totalis (AT), and Alopecia Universalis (AU). This month HPIHair will dive into the differences
Vitamins and Minerals and Fatty Acids…Oh My!
vitamins and minerals and fatty acids
Laser Hair Removal for Men
Pesky hairs between your eyebrows? Ready to show off your silky smooth abs on the next beach trip? Tired of those painful, red bumps that form after shaving sometimes? Whatever the your reason, laser hair removal is a safe and
Things To Know Before You Go – Laser Hair Removal
Things to know before you go - laser hair removal Follow these guidelines: Come to your appointment squeaky clean- do not use any lotions, oils, creams, make-up, deodorant, etc. on the area(s) to be treated the day of your laser hair removal
Choosing the Right Hair Restoration Clinic
Choosing the right hair restoration clinic A Hair Restoration Clinic Should Have a Certified Trichologist What is a Trichologist and why are they important for a hair restoration clinic? A trichologist is a specialist in trichology, which comes from the Greek word