hair loss clinical studies & trials
Alopecia affects millions of people around the world and does not discriminate against age, gender, and ethnicity. Androgenic alopecia, male or female patterned baldness, is one of the most common types of alopecia; however, alopecia areata, totalis, and universalis also affect a large part of the population. Because so many people worldwide are affected, there are continuous on-going studies to find new ways to treat the various types of alopecia.
Here are two promising clinical trials to keep your eye on:
In the Alopecia Universalis (AU) and Alopecia Totalis (AT) study sponsored by Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc. is assessing the safety, patient tolerance, and pharmacological properties of a new topical solution for patients diagnosed with alopecia universalis or alopecia totalis. In this randomized, double-blind trial, subjects are to apply a topical solution or a placebo to their scalp twice-daily for a total of 28 days. After 28 days, hair growth will be evaluated in addition to medication concentration found in the blood and skin. This study is currently in phase 2 of its clinical trial.
The Intrepid Therapeutics, Inc. study Comparator Solution and Vehicle Solution in Males With Androgenetic Alopecia the clinical trial enrolled 95 male participants with mild to moderate androgenic alopecia in the temporal and frontal hair region to evaluate the effectiveness of a new topical solution. In this randomized, double-blind trial, subjects will be evaluated for efficiency and safety of a new topical solution to be applied twice daily for a total of 26 weeks.
Early results seem promising and demonstrate slightly more effectiveness than minoxidil. And because the medication mechanism is different, it is possible this new solution may be used in conjunction with minoxidil. Updated results of this phase 2 trail will be available June/July of 2018.
There is also a new, investigative clinical trial in the Nashville area focused on an oral treatment for alopecia. Learn about that trial in this post. Act fast as the trial is only available for a small group.
Contact us today at 615.662.8722 for the latest hair loss solutions.