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New Service: Hair Follicle Test: How does it work?

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Hair follicle test: how does it work?

Not getting the results you have been looking for with your current hair regimen? hair supplements? hair treatments? HPIHair‘s new Epigenetic Hair Follicle Test could be a fresh start to your hair growth journey. Do not waste any more time or another penny on another online hair care regimen. In as little as 60 minutes HPI’s hair experts will have the answers to what is truly causing your hair concerns. So how does it work?

Single Hair = Rapid Results

Our hair tells ALL…..

Hair reacts to signals from the environment that cause our emotions to manifest feelings and it responds to those feelings. For example, when some people feel fear they may notice the hair on their arms and legs to stand up. Hair strands will contain a range of signals/frequencies that have an abundance of epigenetic information. This information is extremely valuable to our daily lives, health, hair growth, hair loss, scalp condition, and overall wellbeing!

Understand Your Hair Loss

Our Hair Follicle Test all starts with four individual hairs from the nape of your head. Those hairs are then processed within 15-20 minutes. Epigenetic reports reflect in a minimum of 30+ pages, potential functionality impacts caused by Environmental Irritants such as Toxins, Electro Magnetic Impacts, Nutritional Diet, Lifestyle and Underlying Food and Gut Stressors. Each report also provides a 90 day nutritional food plan and further advice to optimize wellbeing. This report allows our hair experts to design a treatment regimen tailored to YOU specifically. The regimen may include suggested diet changes, supplements, topicals, medical treatments or a combination of things to give you the optimal hair restoration results.

Is an epigenetic Hair follicle test Right for Me?

Are You Suffering From Any of the Below:

  • Stress related hair loss
  • Dry brittle hair
  • More shedding than normal
  • Itchy, sore scalp
  • Post COVID-19 hair loss

See if a Hair Follicle Test Could Benefit You!

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