Questions about Hair Loss?
Call 615-662-8722 OR BOOK A CONSULTATION
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid disorders are two of the most common hormone disorders in women. We often see women presenting with BOTH of these conditions. Is there a connection? In this podcast episode, we’ll discuss the relationship between PCOS, thyroid conditions (Hashimoto’s in particular), hair loss, and what you can do to start feeling better.
Connect with us:
Nataliia Sanzo, RD, LDN:
IG: all.purpose.nutrition
Kimberly Vaughn, WTS, ITS, CNC, MBA:
Consultations with Kimberly: https://hpihaircom/consultation-request
Questions/Comments? We look forward to your emails!
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If you are in a rush, Call our office now to schedule +1 615-662-8722