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Is PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) For Me?

Are You A Good Candidate for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Treatment?

When we start considering the first steps of combating hair loss, there are so many options that it can be overwhelming as you try to decide which route to take! As each day passes, the hair loss world is revolutionizing and becoming broader, with more research leading to more knowledge. It’s a wonderful time for YOU – as a hair loss sufferer!

One procedure that has really made its way to the top of the market recently is Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP for short.  Sounds intriguing, but your next question likely is, “what in the world is PRP and how do I know if I am a candidate?!” Not to fret, passing along our knowledge and answering your questions is what this blog is all about!

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) began over two decades ago in medical offices across a wide-range of rehabilitation therapy. PRP is now used in hair restoration for a natural way to restore stronger, healthier hair.  PRP hair restoration is suitable for both men and women. According to the article, Platelet-Rich Plasma in Androgenic Alopecia: Myth or an Effective Tool in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health PRP is an innovative and natural choice of therapy for quality hair restoration. Because of its use of the body’s own plasma, men and women of all age groups are ideal candidates for PRP hair treatments.

Based on the recent study’s results, the treatment is believed to work best on those who have viable hair follicles in a sub-healthy state that have fallen dormant due to the nasty DHT (dihydrotestosterone)! DHT is to blame for most hair loss and when testosterone reacts to the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.

HPIHair Partners is seeing great results & success in pairing our PRP treatments with our Low-Level Laser Therapy treatments for an added incentive to get those lazy hairs moving again!

HPIHair Partners has a team of Trichologist and hair loss specialist to help you sort through your clinical and holistic options for treatment. Visit our PRP page for more information and testimonials from our very own PRP clients!

Call us today to explore your options, (615) 662-8722. 

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