Get to the root cause of your hair loss. Call 615-662-8722 today!

Microscopic view of human scalp and hair strands
Alopecia Tag

hair loss clinical studies & trials Alopecia affects millions of people around the world and does not discriminate against age, gender, and ethnicity. Androgenic alopecia, male or female patterned baldness, is one of the most common types of alopecia; however, alopecia

Alopecia dx blood test Underlying medical Conditions Experiencing hair loss can be a hard thing to deal with, but understanding the cause can be even harder. Many people have no answers as to why their hair is thinning. Wouldn’t it be great

hair today, gone tomorrow part 2 Dealing with Hair Loss, Part 2 Social AcceptanceSocially, there are a lot of people who are teased or have been teased for hair loss.  As presented in the first post of this two-part hair loss series,

seasonal hair loss: fact or myth? Our four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. For most of the world, these seasons bring about change outside, whether it in the temperature or other elements in nature. At times these transformations are welcome,


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