thank you - when gratitude and happiness meet
January is National Thank You Month! Did you know that being grateful can actually make you healthier and ultimately happier?
Studies on gratitude show that people suffer less from depression, sleep better and are less anxious – all leading to being happier with their lives.
“A positive attitude can protect against poor health later in life and may be a powerful antidote to stress, pain and illness”, according to a paper in Current Directions in Psychological Science.
I know what you’re thinking. It’s not easy to see through the clouds of life and be thankful. Maybe for some people, but not for me. Right? Let me ask you something. When you are around your children or grandchildren, do you have a moment of thankfulness? If so, how do you feel?
How can you be more Thankful? Thank-You-Note.jpg
Here’s an easy challenge for you:
1. Find something to use as your journal and write down how you feel. (emotionally & physically)
2. For 1 week, each evening before bed write down 5 things that happened in your day that you’re thankful for. (maybe a stranger said hello, or your waitress at lunch gave you a compliment on your outfit…ANYTHING)
3. After a week, journal about how you feel emotionally & physically. You may be surprised by how your attitude and happiness have increased!
4. Continue to consciously do something thoughtful for someone else each day. The gift of giving not only creates thankfulness, it gives you a sense of worth.
Now that’s something to be thankful for!
Join us in thanking others during the last few days of National Thank You Month. Show everyone in your life how much you appreciate them with two simple words, “Thank You.”
Our Thank Yous,
Thank you to all our wonderful clients in trusting us with making you look and feel like yourself again.
Thank you to those of you who have helped others by referring them to HPIHair. A simple act of giving can be seeing a need and providing a resourse to fulfill it! What a great feeling it is to help others!